Homeless Person Sitting on the Sidewalk

inefficiency creates unemployment and unemployment gives rise to poverty

All of you also come and take a step towards ending unemployment and poverty with Lakwar Educational Society popularly

known as Lakes

Get involved

we are Committed to ending

poverty,inefficiency & unemployment.

Lakwar Educational Society is the youth’s Conservational Society, a global nonprofit organization and working to eradicate unemployment and poverty. Our partners and volunteers work together to ensure that no one should hungry or unemployed.

Homeless person with help sign

Fighting for our youth’s

Writing Training and development on a blackboard

skill center

We organize skill development center so that unemployed youth can access employment.

Message opposed to unemployment.

employment lobbying

We push for governments worldwide to eradicate poverty and unemployment.

Close up Business people meeting to discuss the situation on the market. Business Financial Concept

Information campaigns

We create and share reports, fact sheets, and videos on the state of our poor unskilled youth.

workforce employment concept. copy space

Dedicated to eradicating poverty & unemployment


children and teens with youths engaged through online skill & vocational education programs


volunteers in 15 countries


unemployment youth and people have benefited

Passionate about

unemployability and poverty alleviation

Mukesh Kumar Meena

Founder and CEO

Confident woman.

Malini Sharma

Chief Financial Officer

Indian Corporate Woman - stock photos

Shreya Jain

Head of Marketing

Male Professional with Beard Standing in Office

Ajayraj Saini

Skill Director

Happy Indian Man

Mohit Duggal

Program Officer

Lakwar Educational Society (LAKES)

Towards Self Reliance

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About Us

Lakwar Educational Society (NGO) Known as “Lakes” is governed by the Societies Act 1958 of the Government of Rajasthan or Government of India, Section 12 AA and 80G (5) of the Income Tax Act 1961 of the Government of India, and Section 11 of the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) 2010, an Act of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. Is an organization registered under!

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Photo of Person Wearing Black Shirt

Our Mission

Lakwar Educational Society has a mission to remove constraints from the youth's minds so that individuals may explore their capabilities and interests enabling them to develop their full intellectual and human potential. Working for the spread & development of skill education, vocational-education, and development of self -employments, technical & non-technical skills and establishing & maintenance of skill-centers, and vocational training institutes in the direction of the same. In additional, We build and strengthen community-based organizations, encouraging rural Individuals to make their voices heard and helping rural communities to achieve self-reliance. We enable villages to sustainably manage their natural resources, preserving them for future generations and development of non- traditional energy source & popularizing same Working actively for the women & child welfare, social & economic development, community welfare & community awareness, environment & nature conservation, health & medicine. Working activity for the women- empowerment, women leadership programme right & recognition of women, helping them to over - come social barriers and become independent.





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Lakwar Educational Society

H-153,Riico Area,Kherda,Sawai Madhopur Rajasthan, India 322001

+91-9649-999-555, 07462-294040

